Avoid Breakdowns with Proper Operator Training

The most frequent cause of equipment breakdown and repair is operator error. To avoid damage to your machines caused by negligence and oversight, follow these tips.

Perform walkaround inspections daily

Operators need to conduct a walkaround inspection for any equipment on a jobsite before every shift. Paying close attention to a machine's condition will ensure that any small issues are identified and repaired before they develop into potential safety hazards or large, costly repairs.

Examinations should include
  • Looking for any leaking fluids
  • Battery connections
  • Tire condition and inflation level
  • Horns and lights
  • Safety gear including seat belt and backup alarms

Pay attention to equipment irregularities

Operators should always be alert for potential equipment malfunctions on the jobsite. Train them to identify and look for intermittent electrical failures, inappropriate noises, cracks or other signs of impending breakage, and any damage to a machine.

Identify and avoid tipping or rollover hazards

Operators should be familiar with the tipping loads of the machine they are operating and be aware of potential hazards on the jobsite. Before work begins, they should conduct an inspection of the jobsite to identify any areas that could create the potential for a rollover. When operating equipment, drivers should never exceed the working range or lifting capacity of a piece of equipment.

BAck to Tips